Made of long-lasting steel and easy to transport, it’s easy to see how shipping containers ended up being utilised in such diverse and compelling ways in both commercial and domestic settings. These upcycled cargo boxes are both endlessly versatile and incredibly cost-effective when compared to established building methods. From holiday homes and office space to...Read More
When people envision the off-grid lifestyle, they might focus on the obvious pleasures that shipping container homes can offer in comparison to traditional homes. For some, these houses offer a cosy, stripped-back space free of distractions — a sanctuary that allows them to drift off to the music of birdsong or the gentle drumming of...Read More
Have you ever dreamed of an alternative lifestyle, one that offers something more significant than merely making ends meet? Perhaps you’ve slowly become disillusioned with the unsatisfying toil of modern living and would prefer to go back to basics, reduce your outgoings and live among nature? If this sounds familiar, you’re definitely not alone. The...Read More
Right now, roughly 20 million shipping containers are being carried across turbulent seas, facing extreme conditions to transport cargo across the globe. However, with approximately 11 million containers left unused and rusting, many have been adapted for a very different purpose. People everywhere are realising that everyone can play their part in living a more sustainable...Read More