
What makes a great development plot?
Escaping the concrete jungle is a dream for many people across the UK, and living off grid is quickly becoming the main way of leaving the rat race behind. But putting your current way of living to one side in favour of a more tranquil existence doesn’t come without its own complications, the very first...
Reconnect with nature
In a world where technology forms such a huge part of our everyday lives, it’s important to take a step back regularly and to reconnect with nature. There’s no denying that mobile phones and computers have made our lives easier. Instant access to entertainment and the ability to communicate with anyone we want at the...
Tiny house movement uk
The tiny house movement in the UK is a trend that originated in the States but is catching on here very quickly. The idea of “bigger is better” is dying out, and the concept of “good things come in small packages” is taking its place. But what exactly is the tiny house movement and why...
Eco Home
Life is hectic, and it’s important to take some time out for yourself regularly. Work deadlines, a bombardment of BBC “bad news headlines” and the expectation to show our best side for social media can easily affect our lives. A short stay in an eco holiday home set against the beautiful backdrop of nature gives...
How to convert a container home in the uk
Over three quarters of people in the UK live in urban settings. This is mostly because cities offer things that more rural areas may not such as career advancement and an exciting nightlife. However, the sights and sounds of city life are also full of potential stress triggers. The constant hustle-and-bustle, noisy surroundings and the...
How to Live Off the Grid
As with each new generation, humanity has arguably never had it so good. Modern life is full of convenience, wonder and easy access to entertainment and communication.  Despite this, modern life is also tough. Constantly being switched on and connected also means we have easy access to the less-appealing parts of modern society, such as...
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